Thursday, March 7, 2013

Foreign Experiments show that artificial sports grass filled with particles of environmentally sound

Foreign Experiments show that artificial sports grass filled with particles of environmentally sound

    Experiments show that after a long period of the rubber particles are used to fill the artificial grass does not produce any pollution to the environment.

    Environment ALIAPUR French government subordinate units jointly ADEME French Environment and Energy Management Department, recently completed a extracted from the waste tire rubber particles, the presence of environmental pollution in the sports venues experimental project.

    Experimental results show that these rubber particles will not cause harm to human health.

    The main subject of the study is mainly focused on the use of rubber particles sports venues, such as artificial sports grass venues infiltration and outflow of water quality is very environmental pollution from these sites, in addition to on the the sports venues ambient air, the rubber the particle gas emissions, detailed quality analysis.

    Real data is necessary, as a part of the experiment, researchers selected three major rubber filler particles currently used as a sample, they were filled to the three artificial sports grass samples, and install in different parts of the world, schools, parks and recreational sports venues.
Three particles in the sample are:

SBR granules from used car tires decomposition
TPE particles thermoplastic particles
EPDM granules EPDM

    In addition, the researchers also specially manufactured an artificial grass samples did not use any filler material.

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