Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Color de césped artificial

Seda hilo hierba hierba importada y doméstica

Algunas personas creen erróneamente que las importaciones de alambre de hierba de pasto alambre interno , no es cierto , los productos importados y los productos nacionales , los criterios deben ser utilizados para evaluar la calidad del producto es bueno o malo no debe ser utilizado para identificar la identidad de origen , sino que deben utilizar los datos de pruebas profesionales y elija una evaluación científica de las pruebas y la certificación. En el año 2000 , los fabricantes de la producción de seda doméstico hierba acaba de comenzar, los procesos de producción , la formulación de materiales, capacidades a escala empresarial y otras razones, el nivel medio de las importaciones de alambre de hierba , y hay algunas diferencias , pero hoy en día , muchos bien conocidas las empresas nacionales ya han superado los obstáculos técnicos al comercio internacional , los productos se exportan al extranjero , tan pronto como sea posible y extranjeros marcas para competir en el mercado internacional Dingli ella. Las importaciones sobre la hierba concepto césped artificial del alambre interno tiene demasiado viejo y no en la ciencia objetiva.

Color de césped artificial

La idea de que una seda hierba más oscuro es el mejor será la calidad , de hecho , no hay base , de hecho , depende de la profundidad de color de profundidad de color de mezcla madre , y la calidad de , hierba de alambre sin relación , y la vida de la principal anti - UV calidad de aditivo y la relación entre el número de relevante .

base de césped artificial color de la tela

Algunas personas piensan erróneamente que la base de sostén de tejido verde es respetuosa del medio ambiente , de hecho, si la tela de base hecha de aditivo de pintura verde aumentará , pero no conduce a la protección del medio ambiente y el índice de rendimiento anti - UV disminuirá ; por la que se de el lugar después de la final se llena completamente cubierto accesorios de tela , el color de la apariencia del sitio , el rendimiento no tiene ningún efecto .

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Césped artificial de fútbol y diferente

Calidad de Hockey de la seguridad de los productos a través del césped, la permeabilidad al agua y las bolas de rebote métricas de rendimiento . Césped artificial de fútbol y diferente, TurfSoccer no imitar deliberadamente la sensación de la hierba real, la seda de la hierba de la hierba de fútbol media corta. TurfSoccer estructura hierba corta para mejorar la velocidad de carrera del jugador y el rendimiento de la bola de balanceo , y por lo tanto para las competiciones de aficionados y profesionales proporcionan una alta calidad de campo de deportes .

Asociación Internacional de Hockey ( FIH ) es una organización de gestión de hockey , cuenta actualmente con 118 miembros . A fin de garantizar la continuidad e integridad de hockey, FIH necesita con organizaciones de hockey nacional e internacional para trabajar juntos. La responsabilidad recae no sólo regulan FIH hockey, sino también para garantizar el desarrollo y la promoción del hockey, para proporcionar protección para el futuro del hockey.

Hockey polideportivo es generalmente causada por césped natural o artificial pavimentada , que contiene dos tipos de suelo de césped artificial : lugares de relleno de arena y el lugar de pulverización. Favorito El popular masculina y femenina del jugador de hockey, especialmente popular en Europa , Asia, Australia , Nueva Zelanda y Sudáfrica.

La introducción de hockey sobre césped artificial ha cambiado en gran medida . Desde la década de 1970 , el césped artificial desde el nacimiento de algunos países occidentales están en el partido de hockey en campo de hierba artificial. El uso de césped artificial mejora en gran medida la velocidad de carrera del jugador, la forma del club de hockey también habrá algunos cambios con el fin de satisfacer las diferentes técnicas de interpretación como genéticamente seguir golpeando palo y establece a su vez la pelota.

Monday, September 30, 2013

césped sintético nació en los años 60 del siglo pasado

césped sintético nació en los años 60 del siglo pasado , el uso de métodos artificiales como las materias primas a base de productos de fibra de plástico , no de vida . Sección Grass parece césped natural imitación plana de la tela del césped natural, para satisfacer las necesidades de ejercicio de alta intensidad , de fácil colocación , aplicabilidad y el color brillante , buen tacto , excelente planitud de la hierba y no consumir para la conservación del césped natural del agua , etc [ 1 ] . Sin embargo , el deporte es un deporte perennes , exigir instalaciones deportivas pueden usar tanto tiempo como sea posible en el año . Así césped sintético puede resistir los rayos ultravioletas , el viento , la lluvia y otras condiciones externas adversas , el daño a largo plazo, para ser de buena calidad , larga vida útil . Por lo tanto para mejorar el nivel de tecnología de césped artificial para mejorar la resistencia al desgaste del césped con el fin de prolongar su vida , para jugar un papel más importante en la promoción de la causa de la protección del medio ambiente , desarrollo económico y deportivo.

Utilizado movimiento césped sintético es un material compuesto de polímero , un componente principal es el polietileno es un material no biodegradable , etc , tales como DOWLEX ™ PE y ELITE ™ PE , así como poliolefina AFINIDAD ™ .

Hay muchas ventajas de césped sintético y los materiales de polímero de césped natural debido a la composición del césped artificial tiene muchas ventajas , pero la capacidad de carga de polímero y la mala conductividad térmica , baja temperatura de distorsión por calor , las deficiencias inestabilidad dimensional , por lo que estudiar materiales poliméricos modificados para ampliar es muy necesario su gama de aplicaciones y condiciones de uso ampliado antifricción materiales resistentes al desgaste que mejoran la resistencia al desgaste del deporte césped césped mejorar la vida de su mantenimiento. El método principal para la modificación de las investigaciones existentes : la estructura del polímero modificado , materiales reforzados con fibra de rellenos , micras compuestos inorgánicos de partículas reforzada materiales y nano- partículas modificados . Los tres aspectos siguientes fueron revelados .

Tribología como muy prácticas disciplinas básicas estrechamente relacionadas con la formación y el desarrollo de las necesidades de producción social y el progreso de la ciencia y la tecnología. Desde el siglo en el césped artificial deportivo , tiene características más relevantes que el césped natural, deportes, etc en diversos campos ha sido ampliamente utilizado en las tendencias se convierten en los principales productos para el césped . Por lo tanto el estudio de la resistencia al desgaste del material de polímero del ingrediente principal . Mejorar las características de desgaste del material de polímero , para extender la vida útil del césped sintético , la ampliación del entorno de la aplicación del césped, ampliar las aplicaciones han jugado un papel vital. También se amplió la investigación tribología en el campo de los deportes y de la rápida aplicación de césped artificial , se espera que el césped estudio resistencia a la abrasión artificial para convertirse en una importante rama de la tribología . Pero nuestro fricción bastante tarde futuros trabajadores, tribología necesita el espíritu de la teoría con el Principio práctico para acelerar el estudio de la resistencia al desgaste del césped sintético en China, una importante contribución al desarrollo de la industria del deporte y de la economía nacional.

Monday, September 9, 2013

it experienced a natural grass and artificial lawn behind the contest

When linked together business and sports , the sports competition becomes more and more complicated. The world's first sports football , the commercial impact of factors on sports events is beyond the ordinary imagination, especially in the world of football feast every four years the World Cup , has always been the brightest football world is not simply a hero honor and achievement the dream stage , but also a variety of forces and interests soccer chase fame circus.

When the World Cup in Germany to Italy and successfully ended the fourth cup , the fight for a whole month of players, fans and football practitioners , may be temporarily forgotten due to exhaustion and World Cup 64 games as intense but not necessarily all the wonderful World Cup behind competition. But what is certain is that those that occur during the World Cup of the little-known story behind , will in the future world of football and football related industries have a profound impact , and even about each football player , football practitioners future career direction. During the World Cup in Germany this summer , green grass soccer stage , it experienced a natural grass and artificial lawn behind the contest.

Perfect solution

There is no doubt that German football talent and organizational skills in this World Cup once again be fully demonstrated and affirmed. Not only the German national team achieved third place , and the organization of the World Cup to get high praise from the world , is considered to be the best ever held a session of the World Cup. Artificial lawn planted on the World Cup , the German World Cup organizing committee also expressed their usual rigorous scientific style.

As far as possible reflect the principle of fair play , so that each team are in the "same" under the conditions of competition venues , the FIFA World Cup in Germany requires all venues lawn not only to maintain a high level as the previous , like the World Cup , and the first time ever requires the tournament to be exactly the same turf quality , ie, all located in different climatic conditions in Germany 12 World Cup Stadium grass have to use the same formula, the same planting maintenance technology , the same mowing height and trim pattern, the same turf color, density , so this link from venue teams are the same for each fair. FIFA this requirement if placed in ordinary green lawn, it is very easy to do, because in the natural state, the different blocks in a certain area of lawn light, ventilation, drainage, external factors such as the growth of the lawn is not just the same, and very able to meet the lawn needs , just find a suitable turfgrass varieties can be completely "clone" of many of the same lawn. But in the World Cup Stadium, the situation becomes more complicated, because the German World Cup Stadium are covered , Yu shield high, not only lack of light , poor ventilation , high humidity stadium common problem , and different stadium construction structure is different , resulting in venues light, ventilation , temperature, humidity and other conditions vary considerably , a set of recipes and planting grass seed technology in the past, is basically impossible to adapt to all site conditions , so before the World Cup Stadium turf establishment often used different grasses respond to different combinations of site conditions . Different grass planting of artificial lawn quality is certainly not the same, the effect of competition naturally different .

In addition , the game boring, defensive play has been troubled by the prevalence of international football development problems , to make the game more exciting, more conducive to attack and easier to score, and successive FIFA World Cup Organizing Committee have brains, from the game rules , game ball , site conditions and other aspects of starting and hope to wonderful intense competition to attract fans and sponsors. To achieve these objectives , the FIFA World Cup in Germany in addition to all the requirements of 12 matches exactly the same course turf , but also requires the stadium lawn has fast speed , the ball rolling on the lawn faster , better flexibility , the so-called " fast grass " ," fast ball . " This will minimize the game due to errors caused by site conditions to ensure competitive and exciting game . Although this requirement is not so difficult to achieve before one , but the operation of the technical difficulty is not small, because the lawn has a faster speed to ensure high density factor is the lawn , trim lower , lawn good elasticity , but in insufficient light, ventilation is not Chang stadium as it is not easy.

To achieve these two goals , FIFA and their long-term lawn technical collaborators - the Netherlands, " one hundred green " company conducted a lot of research and, ultimately, to find a suitable grass and technical solutions. "Hundred green " companies, especially for the World Cup soccer tournament developed a special adaptation of lawn turf recipe , this recipe can be fully adapted to the stadium inadequate lighting and poor ventilation , high temperature and humidity unfavorable conditions , so in every World Cup Stadium are growing well. And this lawn density, thin blade of grass can be trimmed to 1 mm low resistance, stampede , with the carpet , the ball by friction is small, scrolling speed, flexibility, and will not change the direction of the athletes step up foot feeling very comfortable, meet FIFA requirements to improve the quality of the game . "Hundred green" this technology last year, also won a famous European Product Innovation Award , the Netherlands Ajax home team pioneered the use of this technology and be successful.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

artificial turf repair and Updates

artificial turf repair and Updates

Smooth, beautiful lawns are parks, roads, gardens tapestry, but the lawn after a period of time after use, there will be many problems, such as alopecia areata or even entire lawn degradation. In these cases, in addition to improving lawn soil infrastructure, strengthening of water and fertilizer management, control weeds, pests and diseases, but also combines the local lawn repair and updates.

1 patch for alopecia areata alopecia areata can be used for lawn reseeding method, stolons spread vegetatively propagated planting method and the method to repair turf. Either way, they do not affect the use of lawn, turf quality can be guaranteed. Patches of alopecia areata program: the bald bare ground patches along the edge of the grass plants removed, pad into the fertile soil of 2-3 cm, pad thickness is slightly higher than the surrounding soil lawn soil, to prevent subsidence caused by pits, then leveling the ground, sowing, planting laying turf or asexual reproduction. During repair, the grass used to be consistent with the original grass, if you are using reseeding subject to prior law of seed treatment. After irrigated dry with a 0.2 to 0.3 tons of Gunzi compacted ground, making it as smooth with the surrounding lawn. The grass on the repair should be careful conservation, so as soon as possible consistent with the surrounding lawn.

(2) an update on the lawn serious degradation in two ways: gradually update applies to the degradation of the lawn under the shade of an update method can be used to update reseeding. In preparation for sowing work, give the lawn mower with a comb for combing the grass, and then sow grass seed.

Completely updated for other reasons due to pests or severely degraded lawns, such as organic layer is too thick, the soil surface texture uneven surface 3-5 cm soil severe compaction, lawn weed invasion by most other causes of perennial grass degradation. Perennial weeds overgrown in places, you should update the lawn before weeds with herbicides to get rid of, where herbicides used after treatment (herbicides kill all plants requires time) about two weeks you can re- the grass. In these degenerate lawn updated before the first formulate correct and feasible program plan, the appropriate choice of grass seed and planting time, and then use artificial turf machine clears or remove all plants within the site, and then measured soil physical properties and pH value, check the drainage and irrigation facilities, and then after disc harrow or artificial means to improve the look of soil compaction, you can re-seeded.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

synthetic grass fibers that mimic the structure of natural grass plant morphology and color

synthetic grass fibers that mimic the structure of natural grass plant morphology and color. Advanced synthetic fiber has the ability to resist ultraviolet light, the special friction material provides unmatched resistance and durability. Compared with the natural turf easier to athletes into the best condition, and can be prolonged effect of high frequency of use, benefits far better than natural turf.

synthetic grass

synthetic grass turf than natural economy. Natural turf in need of pruning, irrigation, fertilization and other routine maintenance, the service life of 2-4 years. Life of approximately 8 to 12 years, only periodically remove surface debris, sweeping uniform filler to make stem upright. In terms of durability, natural turf can withstand the intensity of use is limited, one week should not be held in five games over events, can only be used for extended encountered rain and snow. Natural turf is not suitable for too many non-competitive activities, such as large-scale public events. The synthetic grass can be used around the clock, there is no limit frequency of use, while also providing for baseball and other sports projects. Some of group events or large-scale exhibitions can also be organized on synthetic grass. After several generations of updates synthetic grass, herbaceous already comparable with natural grass. Italy Mondo synthetic grass filling system according to the unique and shoes soles grip level and controlled a squeeze, and produce safe grip force and soles fit, while its "spatial memory" performance is able to help quickly restore turf undisturbed, helps reduce exercise-induced fatigue.

before laying synthetic grass and synthetic grass turf production units together for quality inspection, checking the quality of the turf material, density and weaving is qualified to meet the requirements. A standard venue connection points can not be more than 30, Also, check whether the quality of the filler to meet environmental requirements. In the laying process, to use a special tool for trimming lawn according to specifications, the seam, will lap lawn cutting flush. Using synthetic grass sports venues special glue connections, joints should be no greater than 2 mm. When bonding temperature is not too low, the ambient temperature is above 10 ℃ should be selected construction is appropriate; Also not in the rain or Meiyu weather, construction, otherwise it will lead to prolonged and even cause the adhesive stick.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Learn artificial grass a few technical terms explained

Learn artificial grass a few technical terms explained

artificial grass

TurfSoccer you understand artificial grass with several professional phrases. Each industry, each product has its fixed jargon, artificial grass as well. Below we explain artificial grass for a few critical jargon:

1 line spacing, line spacing refers to the artificial grass knitting every ridge and the distance between each ridge, usually in inches, the average spacing is 3/4 inch, 3/8 inch, 5/8 inch, 5/16 in., 5/32 inches, and so, for example converted into metric units: 3/4 inch = 1.905 cm.

(2) woven from, woven from the artificial grass is the number of knitting needles of each ridge, which is the same as carpet weaving.

3 cluster density, cluster density is the number of stitches per square meter tufting. Easy way to calculate the cluster density to knitting needles from the 20/10 cm, for example, is calculated as follows:
Spaced every few meters of woven tufted Density at
3/4 inch = 1.905 cm 52.5 20,010,500
3/8 inch = 0.9525 cm 10520021000
5/8 inch = 1.5875 cm 6320012600
5/16 inch = 0.79375 cm 12620025200

4 fineness, fineness is 10,000 meters of each blade of grass yarn weight, calculated in units of g, the relative weight is heavier wire grass quality will be better.

5 bottom cloth, generally the base fabric into the bottom fabric layer, or layer, some of the base fabric layer of the base fabric in pp mesh layer underneath, this will effectively prevent breakage of the base fabric.

6 gum, gum is below the brush at the bottom layer of plastic, from the fixed wire grass, wire grass protection against rot base fabric and so on.