Saturday, January 5, 2013

artificial sports grass installed in the system allows athletes from various countries to play the highest level

"Modern hockey venue is the perfect combination of hardness, elasticity and softness to be the ideal venue which contained polyethylene density depends on artificial grass. Correct density wire grass flexibility and softness and durabilityDow's R & D experts Thomas Allgeuer this interpretation. Octene-based DOWLEX LLDPE (linear low-density polyethylene) resin has chemical composition can help the the sports grass to the softness and durability required for modern venues. "Because hockey venues will be constantly stampede, hockey players will sport sports the surface layer Shijiaduowei pressure, DOWLEX LLDPE run over the mosaic strip nails drum to simulate the force. Thousands cycle test after, or not be able to see actual signs of aging. "Dow's application experts of Peter Sandkuehler says. DOWLEX LLDPE resin design will softness, tactility, climate adaptability and durability combined, so for hockey such a strong impact sports surface movement. The wire grass using this resin also has a tear resistance as well as higher melting point, can be adapted to the high temperatures. LOCOG very satisfied with the hockey venue, they also believe that artificial sports grass installed in the system allows athletes from various countries to play the highest level.

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